About Me
“Magic hands”.
“How did you know where the sore spots are!”
“Floated out of Mel’s clinic”
“Massage queen”
“Exceptional massage therapist who actually listens”.
“Made to feel very safe and comfortable”.
Unleash your innate healing potential with massage and craniosacral therapy. Say goodbye to the chronic survival states tension in your body and hello to feeling safe, spacious and more comfort.
Let's work together to change your physiology.
"Change your physiology, change your life".
Tony Robbins.
I’ve worked with the body for 17 years. I love Remedial Massage but my own personal growth and healing has come from biodynamic craniosacral therapy.
I lived mostly in a state of flight /fight anxious energy. Really feeling the pressures of time, to get my son ready to school by certain time, to get to work on a certain time, to really live in the hustle and grind of marking and growing a business. The anxious energy gave me drive though, at one point I was massaging 8 clients (8 hours). However, this isn’t truely sustainable. Always leads to burnout. When you hurry through our day, this is a sympathetic nervous system state.
A few times in my life I have been so burnout, my body would go into a freeze/ depression state. Unable to get out of bed, unable to do exercise, unable to eat due to severe lack of appetite, doom scrolling, procrastinating and avoidance. I was stressed, I was chronically depleted. Defiantly have needed anti-depressants to get me though and have an awareness of my triggers before burnout. But it is an evergreen cycle.
Feel better, fight/flight, anxiety, stress, overwork, depression, burnout.
Over the years I have learnt to work with this and manage my health and business. Since starting craniosacral therapy and having so many treatments, it has been a game changer. I am so much more aware of what state I am in, I am so much more aware to listen to what my body is asking for (ie, water, rest, food, sunshine, hope, fun) and most importantly. I was able to experience what true safety and regulation feels like in my body. It truely feels amazing. I have never felt so embodied and present. Totally at ease. Very peaceful for someone like me who is always on the go.
The calmest person in the room is the most powerful – when our nervous system is regulated and grounded, we think clearer, we feel deeper and we radiate a deep sense of power. We know who we are and what we stand for.
In doing this work I have been able to co-regulate with my children with so much more ease. Less reactive and triggered. I have been able to work on resolving and healing trauma energies stored in my body as a result from my second birth and the medical trauma I have endured. I talk about this openly on my social media and mailing list.
I would love for you to consider working with me if you feel I am a fit.
Wishing you all the best on your healing journey. x

Details about Mel.
- I am a manifestor in Human Design. Taurus in astrology.
- I am married to an Irish man, I have a 12 year old son and a 2 year old daughter - both born in the same month.
- Lover of mocha coffee, Tim tams, chocolate.
- I purchased my business at 21 years. I was working for my boss for 6 months when I approached him to buy it. It was the best and the most scariest thing to do. I have no regrets.
Cystic Fibrosis.
This is my story that as published in
The West Australian.
I was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a life threatening lung disease.
I was on the lung transplant list for 8 months when I was given compassionate access to a new drug from America.
This drug, Trikafta, changed my life. Within weeks everything changed for me. I was the first person in WA taken off the list due to being too well.
I was the first in WA pregnant with my baby on this drug, the second in Australia.
It is such a gift to be given access to this medication. This story inspired so much hope to others struggling with this disease.