Our bodies are the ultimate storytellers, expressing our joys, sorrows & Passions without uttering a word.

Nervous System Healing.

A body-led approach to working somatically to process trauma, anxiety, depression and stress related pain. 

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a highly skilled delicate touch that connects with the delicate nervous system and the body’s inherent health expressions. Deep healing can be facilitated by listening to the subtle movements in the fluid and tissue and allowing a natural movement towards stillness. 


The process of the treatment unfolds under my hands, I am neutral and creating a safe space for the client. This allows for traumatic experiences to be witnessed and resolved smoothly without being overwhelming and overstimulating. I am very trauma-informed. 


Sessions conducted fully clothed, with beautiful blankets and in a comfortable ambiance. 

The client always walks out deeply relaxed, embodied and very present. This is the true relaxation they are seeking, a space to move from dysregualated and activated (flight / fight / freeze) into regulation ventral vagal. 


In a regulated state, the body can heal from within. Pain is resolved, bones move into alignment, tummy issues can be soothed, and they feel far less triggered and reactive. I have never come across a modality that is so holistic and client-led. 


This work has allowed me to process my birth trauma from my second baby. Resolve tummy tissues. I am able to be a better parent as I am more regulated rather than reactive. Less anxiety, better sleep and more present. I always notice a reduction in pain and I have been able to process grief that was stored in my body. 


“It is easier to use your body to calm your thoughts, then use your thoughts to calm your body”. Somatic body-up techniques changes the physiology. 

Change your physiology and you can change your life. 


Ready to get started? 


  • Safety in the body

    Safety is the most important aspect for allowing access and help healing of the nervous system.

  • Regulated nervous system

    Leave in a space of regulation ventral vagal. No more scanning for threat, your are moved from survival into a state of regulation. Very helpful when co-regulating with children.

  • Energy and Resources.

    Restore regulation and resiliency in the nervous system, so that your body can process trauma naturally, safety and sustainability... all on its own without overwhelming you.

Real Talk

Common questions.

Is it like a massage?

What does it feel like?

How many sessions are recommended?